Domestic US Financial Planning

  • Financial Planning Roadmap

    Our Financial Planning Roadmaps for Domestic individuals start at $2,500 for one person, and for two people and families, the fee starts at $3,500.

    The fees increase depending on the complexity of information. eg. a family trust held or business held by one party will require further analysis and therefore higher fees.

    Topics will include sections such as:

    - Goal planning,

    - Cash Flow management,

    - Investment analysis,

    - Estate planning,

    - Retirement planning,

    - Education planning strategies,

    - Employer Benefits,

    - Business Solutions and analysis, etc.

    These roadmaps are thorough, holistic and designed to be a source material for reference throughout life.

  • Monthly Subscription

    We offer a monthly subscription at $99 per month per person.

    This provides you with a structured monthly topic, that includes an educational element, a ‘homework’ element to apply to your own situation, and question submission for a Q&A recording. The Q&A recording covers topics submitted by anyone within the subscription program to allow for further learning and application.

    The ‘homework’ elements to complete to cement the topics we have covered in that month are designed in a specific way.

    You will be provided with tools to assist in completing these tasks assigned.

    Topics can include subject matter such as:

    - Open Enrollment,

    - Insurance decisions,

    - Credit Scores and Budgeting,

    - Retirement options,

    - Investment choices and more.

    There is a minimum time period of 12 months and as mentioned, fees are per person.

  • Hourly Consulting

    We only offer hourly services as follows:

    For clients not enrolled in the subscription plan, the applicable fees are $349 per hour for a two-hour minimum.

    Subscription clients enjoy a discounted hourly 1:1 rate of $199 with no hr minimum.